Who Are We
The Surrey Ion Beam Centre is the lead site for the UK National Ion Beam Centre and sits within the Advanced Technology Institute of the University of Surrey.
Our Centre allows users to undertake a wide variety of research using ion implantation, ion irradiation and ion beam analysis. We also have extensive processing and characterisation facilities that can be made available to our users.
Our Aims
- To promote and facilitate world class research in the field of ion beam applications, especially for the UK academic, commercial and industrial communities, but also for and with our international collaborators.
- To allow users to undertake a wide variety of research using ion implantation, ion beam analysis and our extensive ancillary facilities.
- Train and educate the UK community in the applications and technology of ion beams and provide a technology transfer to industry and academia.
- Contribute to the prosperity and competitiveness of UK industry.
What We Do
Contact Us
Luke Antwis
Phone: +44 (0)1483 689145
email: Luke.Antwis@surrey.ac.uk

Surrey Ion Beam Centre,
University of Surrey,
GU2 7XH,