
The Surrey Ion Beam Centre is a national facility available for UK researchers to apply for time through EPSRC and European grant applications. Access is also available on a commercial basis. See the information on gaining access on the main UKNIBC site or contact us at the links below and ask for more information or for a quotation.


Follow the links below for more information about the reserch being undertaken at the Surrey Ion Beam Centre in each of the following categories:


Modelling & Simulation

Ion Beam Analysis (elemental)

Ion Beam Analysis (molecular)

Implantation for Quantum Devices

Liquid Metal Ion Sources


Ion Beam Analysis (molecular)

Conventional Ion Beam Analysis mostly is aimed at identifying the elemental makeup of a material under investigation. Here we are using the analysis facilities to help determine the molecular makeup of a material. There are a number of approaches to this as explained in the following presentations.


Feasibility of Multimodal Imaging with Ion Beam Analysis and Mass Spectrometry Imaging Techniques



DAPNe and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry delivers improved spatially resolved analysis​



DAPNe-IBA for Protein Localisation And Identification



Multimodal Image Registration for the Study of the Caseum of a Tuberculous Granuloma


Contact Us

Find Us




Karen Arthur
Phone: +44 (0)1483 686090


Surrey Ion Beam Centre,
University of Surrey,
GU2 7XH,