
The Surrey Ion Beam Centre is a national facility available for UK researchers to apply for time through EPSRC and European grant applications. Access is also available on a commercial basis. See the information on gaining access on the main UKNIBC site or contact us at the links below and ask for more information or for a quotation.


Follow the links below for more information about the facilities available in each of the following categories:


Implantation & Irradiation

Ion Beam Analysis

Mass Spectrometry

Focussed Ion Beams

Single Ion Implantation


Advanced Materials Analysis


  • 2MV Tandetron Accelerator from HVEE
  • Techniques include RBS, ERD, PIXE, PIGE, NRA, IBIL, IBIC, MeV SIMS (see diagram right)
  • Channelling Spectroscopy for damage analysis
  • Fully automated collection and analysis
  • External Beam for vacuum sensitive or large samples (~5um resolution)
  • Horizontal nanobeam (~500nm resolution)


The nanobeam line is equipped with a magnetic quadrupole triplet lens and magnetic scanner unit from Oxford Microbeams Ltd, capable of focussing the beam to one micron diameter and scanning over 2mm square. It can also be equipped with a gamma detector, a ToF mass spectrometer and/or a optical spectrometer for more ambitious analysis.


The broadbeam is equipped with a six movement goniometer and a sample exchange mechanism via an airlock. The sample holder is 150mm * 100mm. The goniometer can turn the sample to glancing beam incidence angles and is suitable for high resolution depth profiling and depth profiling of H (and D) using 4He ERD.


(Click on diagram to see at full resolution).
Thanks to Thomas Caligaro for some of the animations.

Contact Us

Find Us




Karen Arthur
Phone: +44 (0)1483 686090
email: K.Arthur@surrey.ac.uk


Surrey Ion Beam Centre,
University of Surrey,
GU2 7XH,